Wednesday 11 April 2012


To measure pinch force by a standard measurement system.
Reduce failure when taking a measurement
Friendly use to clinician or therapist and home patient usage.

Problem statement

Activity: Discuss on problem statement for pinch meter

Previous pinch meter is an analog.
Difficult to read and collect data.
Failure of reading taken.
High cost.

Types of hand pinch

3 types of pinch :

Three jaw chuck pinch

tip to tip pinch

lateral pinch (key pinch)


Pinch measurement is a measurement that involves of hand strength for pinching.

Pinch is hand activity that use thumb finger, index finger and middle finger.

There are 3 types of pinch:
§lateral pinch
§Tip to tip pinch
§Three jaw chuck pinch

Pinch meter use to measure the degree of hand power.

Hand that reduced active range motion is a sign of loss muscle strength.


Definition of pinch meter :

Figure : Analog pinch meter

An instrument for measuring the degree of hand muscular power

Discussion on FYP 1

Activity : Discussion about pinch measurement

  • Define pinch measurement
  • Why do we need this equipment?
  • How to measure using this equipment?
  • Benefit of this equipment?