Saturday 17 November 2012

FYP report

Activity: FYP report

1. All FYP students need to send FYP report before week 17.

It consists of:

  1. Cover of the page
  2. Title Page
  3. Declaration Page
  4. Approval Page
  5. Acknowledgement
  6. Table of Content
  7. List of Table
  8. List of Figure
  9. Abstract
  10. Chapter 1 - Introduction
  11. Chapter 2 - Literature Review
  12. Chapter 3 - Methodology
  13. Chapter 4 - Result and Analysis
  14. Chapter 5 - Conclusion 
  15. References
  16. Appendix

Wednesday 7 November 2012

How it works?

Activity: Pinch Measurement

1. The prototype

Figure 1: The prototype before switch ON
2. Ready to measure pinch force

Figure 2: The Digital Pinch Meter begin the operation

3. The data collect and display on LCD

Figure 3: Pinch force is detect. 40N
This digital pinch meter able to detect force range from 0N until 100N. However, the normal hand pinch is between 22.26N until 89N. Below than that it can be classify as loss muscle or hand nonfunctional.

Monday 5 November 2012

poster for FYP presentation

Activity : Design poster for FYP presentation

1. Design the poster using Microsoft Power Point

Figure 1: Poster design

2. The poster after print in A1 size

Figure 2: The pinch measurement poster

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Build Prototype


1. Understand the sketch of circuit diagram.

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Pinch Measurement

Figure 2: Sketch on OHP plastic paper

2. Stick the schematic diagram on PCB and iron it

Figure 3: Schematic circuit on PCB

3. Etching process

Figure 4: Etching process
4. Drilling process

Figure 5: Drilling process

5. Soldering process

Figure 6: Soldering process

6. Construct prototype

Figure 7: Prototype construction
7. The hardware of pinch measurement

Figure 8: The actual hardware of pinch measurement

Thursday 4 October 2012

Build schematic diagram of pinch measurement

1.  Sketch circuit using diptrace

Figure : Schematic diagram of Pinch Measurement draw using

Saturday 29 September 2012

Design software

Design project software using Arduino Uno

1. Get know the FSR software
2. Plan to display the result
3. Construct circuit
4. Test circuit program

Figure : Testing the program for pinch measurement

Saturday 4 August 2012


Find project's component

Circuit component

Electronic Shops : 1. Nixie Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
                               2. Online Components Sdn Bhd
                               3. Maplin Electronics Sdn Bhd

Websites: 1.

Force Sensitive Resistor

FSR 402 model

Web:     1. Adafruit Industries -

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Circuit Selection


Circuit Selection for FYP 2

Circuit 1

Circuit 2

Circuit 2 is selected by supervisor, Encik Zulkifli Mahmoodin

Wednesday 11 April 2012


To measure pinch force by a standard measurement system.
Reduce failure when taking a measurement
Friendly use to clinician or therapist and home patient usage.

Problem statement

Activity: Discuss on problem statement for pinch meter

Previous pinch meter is an analog.
Difficult to read and collect data.
Failure of reading taken.
High cost.

Types of hand pinch

3 types of pinch :

Three jaw chuck pinch

tip to tip pinch

lateral pinch (key pinch)


Pinch measurement is a measurement that involves of hand strength for pinching.

Pinch is hand activity that use thumb finger, index finger and middle finger.

There are 3 types of pinch:
§lateral pinch
§Tip to tip pinch
§Three jaw chuck pinch

Pinch meter use to measure the degree of hand power.

Hand that reduced active range motion is a sign of loss muscle strength.


Definition of pinch meter :

Figure : Analog pinch meter

An instrument for measuring the degree of hand muscular power

Discussion on FYP 1

Activity : Discussion about pinch measurement

  • Define pinch measurement
  • Why do we need this equipment?
  • How to measure using this equipment?
  • Benefit of this equipment?

Sunday 5 February 2012

FYP 1 Logbook

Assalamualaikum w.b.t 
This is my first entry regarding my Final Year Project log book. 

         Name          : NADZIRAH BINTI ZAKARIA
         ID No          : 51216210207
         Course        : BET MEDICAL ELECTRONICS
         Supervisor : MR. ZULKIFLI BIN MAHMOODIN

         All candidates for Final Year Project must sign in at

Offical web for FYP

 FYP students must attend a meeting as an introduction for FYP

FYP briefing 1
Avenue : Gemilang Hall
Date : 19 January 2012

                  The activities and info during breifing session :

        1. Sign in at RPS for FYP
        2. Update profile 
        3. Select a title for FYP and supervisor
        4. Create a blog as update log book for FYP
        5. Meet supervisor unless 8 times regarding FYP progression
        6. Engineer's Day

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,
~Mary Anne Radmacher